June 30, 2009

Being nerveous sucks

You better believe it title!

Why is it that something I've practiced for so long is still so difficult, and why don't I feel like I've gotten that much better? I guess we are all worried about whether we can be one of the successful ones in our field and not retreat back to the mediocrity from once we came.

Also, in a realm where confidence is what sustains and makes excellent work, why is it so hard to maintain that confidence? Logically it is preferred, but I guess our emotions seldom are in line with logic.

June 26, 2009

Down the Barrel

I have a friend who was recently robbed at gun point. She was approached by a gang who demanded all of her belongings and expelled her from her car with malice. As she slowly drifted away, they screeched off with her universe in tow.

She was victimized, distraught, and humiliated.

what is the response to a pack of wolves? do you foolhardily stare down your enemy? forsake your life for pride? Do you allow the ravishing of your possessions and mind? Leaving you with powerless fear. A stain on your innocence.

If we look to our prophets, we find that the godly reaction would be to openly embrace your assailants with love and smile widely toward the dark of death. A difficult response to choose.

The fight between our pagan desire to fight and our civilized tendency to rationally coalesce. Must we transcend our pride and even our desire to live to see tomorrow? Do we Gandalf that shit with a little bit of "You shall not pass!"

I'll think about it. If you know the answer let me in on it.

June 23, 2009

June 14, 2009

Ultimate Dinner Date

Guest list:

Carl Sagan
Joseph Campbell
Noam Chomsky
Stephen Colbert

We would go to a nice place, probably in something Like a Jeep Grand Cherokee. I would be appointed the prominent position at the table so if I wanted to talk I would not be immediately overshadowed. And we would end with a sundae with 5 spoons.


June 13, 2009

Heaven and Hell

they'll tell you black is really white, the moon is just the sun at night, and when you walk in gold halls, you get to keep the gold that falls

June 2, 2009

Up, Up and Hoorey!

So you should go see Up. It just happens to be a fantastic movie about growing old and loosing your dreams, but for kids!

The characters are fantastic, its extremely funny and full of beautiful symbolism. Then again, Pixar works on their movies for something like 5 years a piece, so everything they create tends to be one of the best movies you'll ever see.

Stop reading this and go watch Up. Unless you've already seen it, in which case isn't it great.